Ministery of Higher Education
Ministery of Higher Education in
Salahaddin University
University of Sulaimani
Koya University
of Kurdistan
Digital Logic
Course 1: Total hours: 30 hours ( theory ) + 30 hours (Practice).
Subjects Names:
Combinational Logic:
- Digital and Analog Systems.
- Number systems binary number system, hexadecimal number system, octal number system.
- Logic gates: NOT gate, AND gate, OR gate, NAND gate, NOR gate, XOR gate.
- Boolean algebra: Laws of Boolean Algebra, Theorems of Boolean Algebra, DeMorgan’s Law.
Boolean algebra: Theorem Proof using Truth Tables, Implementation of Boolean Functions, Simplifying Boolean Functions.
- Minterms and Maxterms.
- Minimization of logic functions using Boolean algebra.
- Karnaugh maps: 3 variable Karnaugh maps, 4 variable Karnaugh maps.
- Karnaugh maps: Minimization of logic functions using Karnough maps.
- Minimization of logic functions using Karnough maps: Karnaugh Map with “don’t care” terms.
- De Morgan theorem and gate equivalency.
- Combinational logic circuits: Half adder, full adder.
Combinational logic circuits: Multiplexer, Function implementation using Multiplexers, DeMultiplexer.
- Combinational logic circuits: Decoders, Encoders.
- Combinational logic Review.
Course 2: Total hours : 30 hours ( theory ) + 30 hours (Practice).
Sequential Logic:
- Latches: Cross-coupled Inverter latch.
- S-R Latch with NOR gates, S-R Latch with NAND gates.
- Gated SR Latch with NAND Gates, D Latch, Gated D Latch .
- Clock Pulse Definition, Master-Slave and Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops.
J-K Latch, J-K Latch: Race Condition Clocked J-K Flip Flop, T Flip-flop.
- Shift Registers.
- Parallel-Access Shift Register.
- Asynchronous Counters, Up-Counter with T Flip-Flops, Down-Counter with T Flip-Flops.
- Synchronous Counters, Synchronous Counter with T Flip-Flops.
- Enable and Clear Capability, Reset Synchronization.
- Synchronous Counter with D Flip-Flops.
- Other Types of Counters, BCD Counter, Ring Counter, Johnson Counter.
- Introduction to VLSI Design: IC Evolution, MOS (Metal-oxide-silicon)Technology.
CMOS Transistors, Transistor Switch Model, CMOS Inverter Operation, CMOS NAND Operation, CMOS NOR Operation.
- NMOS Transistor Fabrication- Process FlowNOT gate layout, NAND gate layout.